I am going to buy LG chocolate BL20V
Don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.
haha~~~I dun really know,this is my 1st time saw him wearing so formal...........GOD
He is totally different, not a boy anymore , a man. haha~~~ maybe I should move one step closer to him. BUT I hunt him so badly, I said NO to him .GOD~~~~~~~~ what should I do ??? I dun know what I am thinking right now,maybe tmr I will forget everything.
I need help really, help me plz~~anyone~~help me
sorry for all I done
sorry to being so arrogant, so unreasonable
I dun know how many times I said sorry in 12hrs ,uncountable.
My life i am in charge, dun ever force me. I am not going to listen to eu, I can take care myself. You r the one push me to this stage, and you still wann me to anything that you plan for me
no way ha . Why? tell me.......you r not a king and I am not ur servant,I have my own rights to do anything that I wann
Dun push me any more that is enough...................I said enough is enough
Cop Out is nice...... laugh till crazy
Rating: 4 starts
but it is M18 , no violence, no sex, just a lot of XXXXandXXXXwords
七、天秤座: 正缘:金牛座 巨蟹座 有着优雅高贵气质的天秤座,与金牛巨蟹座倒是有着较深的前世姻缘,对于自己的举止风范非常在意的天秤不会很喜欢那些个性张扬夸张走到哪里都会大呼小叫的星座,就算是在热闹的场合,秤儿也会是一位优雅冷静的看客,与金牛巨蟹之缘完全取决于一种潜意识的选择,金牛和巨蟹都属于那种保守类的星座,沉稳可靠是他们给人的第一印象,再其次便是他们大都会有稳定的生活和对于家的保护色彩,天秤所要体现的高贵典雅,亲切善良之风范,没有了安稳舒适的环境作为基础,恐怕也是很难做到的,所以当人们看到许多貌似不合理,也许让人匪夷所思的情侣组合时,不必张大嘴巴,他们必定有其最为合情的道理。
孽缘:双鱼座 你希望可以依靠他,希望他能常陪你。而双鱼的他虽也不能忍受孤独,却不愿只停留在你一人身边。你无从知道他在想些什么,从不见他主动为爱情付出行动,同样不善主动倾诉衷情的你,只能把辛酸的泪水往肚里流。
偶尔小徘徊 究竟还是要夺的 天秤座女子的表面文章做得相当漂亮,口口声声体谅“闺密”的心情,深知姐妹情缘来之不易,可还是忍不住暗暗惦记人家的男朋友,情商发达的天秤座女子一旦坠入三角迷局,根本分不清该与不该。 防范招数:假设你的男友是个定力不够的人,刚好你的姐妹又是天秤,那么你很有必要给你的他安个追踪器哟!
This not very violent ,it is only you kill monster or monster kill you >_<>
HAHA~~~i can use my own com liao~~~ oh yeah~~~~O(∩_∩)O~~~19inch screen is really great......